Need some answers? You’re not alone. Check out these frequently answered questions.
I can see that EA Academy is different, how do I know if it is the right fit for my family?
Each family is unique, but successful EA Academy families share similarities. To decide if we're right for you, explore our site, YouTube Channel, and recommended readings like Unschooling Rules and Courage to Grow.
What grades do you offer?
We don't have grades like a traditional school. Rather, we focus on inspiring, equipping, and connecting Learners ages 4 to 18 with the tools and recipes they need to find their calling and change the world.
What is your daily schedule?
Learners can be dropped off as early as 8:00 am. They will then participate in a Socratic Launch promptly at 8:30 am. After, large portions of time are provided for Learners to focus on core academics, quests, and passion projects. Throughout the day, Learners are able to have a snack, free play, and collaborate with their peers. Pick-up begins at 3:30 pm.
What is your academic calendar?
We operate on a 10 month calendar, launching our year in August and ending in May. Unlike the traditional model, we operate in 4 to 6 week sessions that have a specific focus, quest, and area of study, like rocket-building, detective science, or marine biology.
Seven 4 to 6 week sessions, followed by 1 to 2 weeks off to refuel and for holidays, make up the school year.
What is a Hero's Journey?
We believe that every individual has a unique purpose in life and must face trials and tests with integrity and purpose to achieve fulfillment. Our mission is to prepare your child for their own Hero's Journey.
What type of Learner thrives at EA Academy?
Our program is designed for curious, self-motivated, and respectful learners who love to explore and discover. Our environment fosters the growth of independent thinkers who can tackle complex questions, give and follow instructions, and solve tough problems.
Do you serve special needs Learners?
We are committed to providing a transformative educational experience for young learners, and we take that commitment seriously. As a group of small schools, we ensure that we have the necessary resources to deliver on this promise for each family.
While we have had success with Learners who experience ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, and some forms of autism, we currently do not have the capacity to serve those with other specific or more severe learning needs.
Will EA Academy prepare my child for college?
We make a commitment to prepare your child for any selective university by providing them with the opportunity to learn the skills and knowledge necessary to score highly on standardized tests. However, we recognize that the landscape of higher education is rapidly evolving, and universities are changing their expectations of students. Despite this, standardized tests remain a key component of college applications, and we aim to equip our students with the tools to succeed in this area.
Beyond test scores, we believe that critical thinking skills and a strong portfolio are essential for success in the college application and interview process. Our goal is to prepare your child not only for college, but for the real world beyond, regardless of their ultimate path.
What is your tuition?
Tuition for the school year differs by location. You can check our enrollment page for specific information. For a family with multiple Learners, there is a 10% discount for the second Learner, and tuition is capped at $18,000 per year for a family with 3 or more Learners attending EA Academy.
During the first year, families must pay on a 10 month schedule (August through May). However, after their first year, families can select a different payment plan offered by the school including in full, by semester, or bi-monthly.
How are Learners grouped together?
Collaborative learning is at the heart of our educational philosophy. We believe that children thrive when they work with peers who are both younger and older than themselves, rather than being grouped solely by age. In addition to personalized learning materials, our students of all ages work together in groups to foster a sense of community and build valuable social skills.
What curriculum do you use?
At EA Academy, we attempt to find as many world-class resources as possible for our Learners to master the skills necessary to one day change the world. Because of this, we don't have a "set" curriculum used by every Learner. Rather, our Learners use a variety of materials from hands-on Montessori works to online software like Khan Academy.
What is a day in the life of an Acton Learner like?
See it for yourself!